Please provide us with suggestions on what you think the auto destroy baby timers should be I will give this post 2 days before putting up a poll.
I can make it work with 2 hours.
I not sure what it should be due to especially gestation dino timers been so screwed up its impossible to predict when babies will even pop out
Today i had a thyla it said it had 5 mins left, i go make a cuppa which takes less than that and when i come back i have the 8 hour til next mating and no cub
Starkz that is an ark issue and that bug had always been there
I know its an ark issue but having this timer on especially with gestation dinos makes it very unpredictable on when a baby pops out, it feels like I have got to stay staring at the screen for 20 mins+ waiting cus if i turn away or need to go do something i could lose the baby and so then i have wait 8+ hours before i can even try again
I understand why the timer things wants be added but at same time it really does screw up gestation breeding and most babies tend to die within first few mins
My jerboas die in seconds if i not claimed them as soon as they pop out
yes, that ark issue has always been there but when you couple that with the a short auto baby destroy then it becomes an even bigger issue. I don't mind dealing with the ark issue as long as we have more time to actually get the babies
For big breeders it can take a couple of minutes if you dump down a few eggs.
When the babies get trapped inside each other and you have to get the claimed to follow you away.
For gestation, i always trap so you dont have to constantly watch.
I vote 10-15 mins.
I prefer at least 3 hours window. Until Ark won't fix the bugs with rock drakes etc gestation then I'd rather have longer claiming window..
for gestation, how does trapping and not watching work when the window is 10-15 minutes?
the issue with the gestation timer getting stuck is easily fixed by going out of render distance or relooging so that is not a viable excuse IMO anything more than 30min is gratuitous there no reason hatching eggs should take more than 5/10 mins and its plenty of time for gestation