Merric Gaming presents Rust 5x Servers

What is rust? Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish. The aim of the game is to survive. To do this the player should gather resources. Hitting a tree with a rock will give you wood, hitting a rock with a rock will give you rock and ore.

You can then craft a hatchet from the wood and rock, allowing you to gather faster. You can go out and hunt a variety of wildlife such as boars, chickens, rabbits, bears, wolves and deer. Once you have killed an animal you can butcher it to gather its meat and skin. You can craft a fire using wood and cook the meat inside the fire. Then you can eat. You face two major dangers in game. Rust is a multiplayer game, so there will be other players trying to survive in the same way that you are. Unfortunately for you they can find you, kill you and take your stuff. Fortunately for you – you can kill them and take their stuff.

Or maybe you can make friends and help each other survive. Rust’s world is harsh – so you might need to make friends to survive. The environment is not kind. Bears and wolves will chase and kill you. Falling from a height will kill you. Being exposed to radiation for an extended period will kill you. Starving will kill you. Being cold will kill you.

Why play on our Rust 5x Servers?

At Merric Gaming we know life is hard, many of us have children, full time jobs but still like to have some down time gaming. We provide Rust 5x Servers with custom loot tables these servers are much faster paced than the normal Vanilla Rust Servers meaning gaming does not take over your life and you can still have your quality family time and working life.

5x Rates
Z Levels
Custom Loot
Rust Server Rules

Please take some time to read our Rust server Rules, At Merric Gaming Community we are a family friendly community, this means toxicity must be kept to a minimum. Repeat offenders of this will be Muted, Kicked Or Banned. Please be aware this is just one of our rules and we advise you read the rest to ensure you are not violating any others on our servers. Ensuring you follow the rules will help create a friendly atmosphere where all players enjoy their gaming experience in Rust.


Would you like to know when the server you play on is being wiped? Or are you just interested in joining Events that our admins organise. Well this is the perfect section for you, clicking on the link below will take you to our events calendar where you can view all of the upcoming Events we provide for you as part of our community. If you have any suggestions for events you would like us to host then why not pop over to our forums and post it there.


At Merric Gaming Community everything we do is only made possible because of the kind donations our community members make, with this in mind we offer a incentives to our Rust Player base to ensure they get a little something for supporting us. All donations received go towards the running costs of the Rust Servers and allows us to add more to the network thus growing the community that you play in.